Email Me (go back »)

August 23 2008, 2:52 PM

I've never noticed the amounts of visits my shiz gets. lol

It's not too much but I'm proud, I'm pretty sure everyone gets the same amount.

But you know. So now I dunno what to add,what should I add people?!

I bet NO one is reading this so there's no point but oh well anyways..moving on.

If you do read comment or something and tell me what you want me to add from these selections. If you have a specific tutorial then that's great tell me if you have a specific graphic tell me!

Here are the choices:

-Photoshop Tutorials

-Paint shop Pro Tutorials

Not too many choices eh? lol

Also if you'd like to get some of my brushes and look at my other work.. EMAIL ME.

If you're having trouble with my tutorials and graphics..EMAIL ME.





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